Generating PDF from HTML on RoR

Well, historically generating PDF on Ruby on Rails is not an easy task.
We used to use PDF::Writer or Prawn and learn it's syntax to generate PDF.
Now we can generate pdf for every html.erb template that we have, with the help from wkhtmltopdf and wicked_pdf plugin.

I will show you how to generate PDF for every html.erb template on a particular RoR application.

First, you have to have wkhtmltopdf binary.

Linux users, you'll want to download the static binary, unless you want to recompile Qt :)
Put that binary somewhere on your machine.

Now on a RoR application, install the plugin:
ruby script/plugin install git://
ruby script/generate wicked_pdf

Edit config/initializers/wicked_pdf.rb file so it is pointing to the wkhtmltopdf binary on your machine. This is the file content on my machine:

  #:wkhtmltopdf => '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf',
  #:layout => "pdf.html",
  :exe_path => '/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf'

Ok, now all the preparations has been done, let me show you how to use it on a controller.

def new
  @movie =
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html # new.html.erb
    format.pdf do
      render :pdf => "file_name",
             :template => "movies/new.html.erb"
    format.xml  { render :xml => @movie }

Here is the sample file generated:


prakash murthy said...

Awesome, thanks!

I was struggling with getting the pdf generation to work, till I saw in your example that the template can be passed as a parameter in the respond format block :-)

Looks like you have stopped blogging after a 3 month burst back in early 2010; you should get back into it! More people might get their problem resolved from one of your blogposts, thanks to google and serendipity.

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